Articles and Media

Experts urge therapists to learn about polyamory

As polyamory grows in popularity, more polyamorous people will seek therapy to assist them in managing their lives and relationships. But is modern therapy keeping up with our changing sexuality?

Normalizing Non-Monogamy – PolyFinda interview

An episode interviewing PolyFinda’s founding couple Bruce and Nami about their experience establishing the polyamorous dating app.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are open marriages a kind of polyamoury?

Firstly, what is an open marriage? Well, it is not cheating. Open marriage is a marriage in which one or both of the members involved have other sexual relationships, romantic relationships, or both, with the open agreement of all parties.

Can I find a ‘unicorn’ on PolyFinda? …Should I be looking?

A ‘unicorn’ is the name some have given to single women who are interested in dating or being in a relationship with an established couple.

Is PolyFinda a swingers dating app?

Other sites may define this differently but for PolyFinda, swinging is just one way of opening up a relationship.

Where can I find out more about the gender identities on the app?

There are many different and evolving terms for different identities and relationships mean, that’s perfectly okay!

Who is PolyFinda for? Can anyone be on the app?

Both online and at events, PolyFinda helps people that are new to the scene make those important initial connections.

What is polyamory?

Polyamory can be defined in many different ways, but some of the common elements in polyamorous relationships include: love, intimacy, commitment, honesty, communication, vulnerability all in the context of non-exclusivity.

Polyamory Stories

What happens at polyamory events?

“The most memorable things were the variety of people and how open and friendly people were. Without the creepy sleazy factor you get at a normal bar.”

What’s it like to be poly and using threesome apps?

“The best threesomes I’ve ever had have been formed organically” But what’s it like being poly and using threesome apps?

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